Call: 941-906-7585
A criminal’s favorite time of year? Tax season. Want to know why? Scammers have become quite adept at impersonating the IRS to steal your money.
They will call you, send an email, or even show up at your door.
And it’s up to you to stay aware of these crooks and not fall victim to their scams.
Tax Attorney Mary King offers some vital tips that you should know. She says:
“The IRS will never contact you through email to request personal or financial information. If you owe taxes, you will first receive a paper bill. To view your tax account information and review your payment options online, visit”
King also says it’s important to know that the IRS will never:
Leave pre-recorded messages.
Threaten to immediately bring in law enforcement or police.
Call to demand payment with a debit card, gift card or wire transfer.
Ask for checks to third parties.
Demand payment without an opportunity to question or appeal.
If you think you’ve received a suspicious email demand from the IRS, Treasury, or anything tax-related, do not open any attachments, click on any links, reply to the sender, or take any other actions that can put your personal and financial information at risk.
You should report these scams to You can also report a suspicious call to the Federal Trade Commission.
This information has been provided by the Law Office of Mary King, P.L. With IRS tax debt resolution, tax debt settlement negotiations, and tax planning and filing solutions, the Law Office of Mary King, P.L. serves clients throughout Florida and offers complete IRS problem-solving services for individuals and businesses.
Sarasota Tax Attorney Mary King today or visit
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Attorney and Counselor at Law
The Law Office of Mary King P.L. provides comprehensive solutions for IRS problems ranging from tax debt settlement to devising effective tax strategies for individuals and enterprises.
Attorney Mary King offers tax services to clients located in Florida and across the United States.
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Call: 941-906-7585
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407 E. Marion Avenue, Suite 101, Punta Gorda, FL 33950
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