Call: 941-906-7585
We all view the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with considerable trepidation. Yet, there are some rules that even the IRS must abide by. In fact, there is a set of fundamental rights that you should know about. Even if you are behind on taxes or are in the middle of negotiating an offer in compromise, you are protected by the fundamental rights called the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
In this article, we will discuss all ten of the rights in the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. If, after reading this article, you would like to have additional information on any aspect of your taxes, we invite you to call the tax law firm of Sarasota, Florida, Mary E. King , P.L. The Law Office of Mary E. King, P.L. can make sure that your tax issues are resolved efficiently and at the lowest cost to you. Please fill out our online contact form , or call us at 941-906-7585 today.
1. The right to be informed
You have a right to know how to comply with the United States tax laws. That means that the IRS has a duty to make sure, with clear guidance and clear explanations, that you understand the laws and all of your obligations under them. That includes knowledge of whatever the IRS has decided with regard to your tax accounts.
2. The right to quality service
The IRS has never been known for its high-quality customer service. But, the Taxpayer Bill of Rights requires that the IRS deal with you respectfully, speak with you in a way that you can easily understand, and provide prompt, courteous, and professional assistance.
3. The right to pay no more than the correct amount of tax
While the IRS seems like it wants to take as much money from you as possible, you have a right to pay only the amount you owe, nothing more. And consistent with its duty to provide quality service, the IRS must apply all of your tax payments properly.
4. The right to challenge the IRS’s position and be heard
Consistent with your right to pay no more than the correct amount of taxes, you need to be able to enforce that right by challenging the IRS’s position whenever you believe that the IRS is incorrect in the tax you owe. That means that you have the ability to provide additional documentation to the IRS while objecting to a particular IRS tax decision, and the IRS needs to fairly consider that evidence. You are, of course, also entitled to a response from the IRS on your additional evidence and overall objection.
5. The right to appeal an IRS Decision in an independent foru m
Following from your right to object to an IRS decision, you also have the right to appeal an IRS decision through the IRS’s administrative appeals process, and ultimately have the ability to bring your objection against the IRS decision to court – a wholly independent forum.
6. The right to finality
It is true that “justice delayed is justice denied.” Thus, you as a taxpayer should be informed of the time limits within which you need to object to an IRS decision in order to have your objection be considered. Also, the IRS has only a certain amount of time to do certain things, like conduct an audit, or seek a collection of overdue tax debt. In the interest of finality, you have the right to be free of old tax debt if the IRS has taken too long to try to collect on it.
7. The right to privacy
The IRS, like any government body, is constrained by the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution. In other words, the IRS must respect your right to privacy, and right to due process, such that any IRS action should be no more intrusive than reasonably necessary.
8. The right to confidentiality
Simply put, you have the right to have the information that you give to the IRS protected, and not disclosed unless you have consented to such disclosure. Further, you as a taxpayer have a right to expect appropriate action to be taken if an employee or others improperly disclose your sensitive tax information.
9. The right to retain representation
Whenever you deal with the IRS, you have a right to have a lawyer with you. Indeed, having a tax law firm on your side when you are interacting with the IRS for an audit, or overdue taxes, is invaluable.
10. The right to a fair and just tax system
While it should go without saying, you should expect that the IRS will treat you fairly, including being reasonable and aware of your personal facts and circumstances when determining your tax liability. Again, having a tax law firm in your corner can ensure that the IRS will know and understand your personal situation when a question of your ability to pay becomes an issue.
When it comes to dealing with tax relief and tax litigation, you need to talk to a tax law firm in Sarasota that can help. Mary E. King has spent her career concentrating on tax law and can help you with tax scams in Florida and elsewhere. Attorney King has a wealth of information about what types of options would make the most sense for you and your business.
That helps explain why she’s received an A+ rating from the Florida Better Business Bureau. If you have a tax-related issue – no matter how small or how large – setting up an initial consultation with Mary E. King, tax lawyer of Florida, is the first step you should take towards relief.
The Law Office of Mary King P.L. offers complete IRS problem-solving services including all areas from tax debt settlement to planning the most efficient tax strategy for individuals and businesses. Call us today to schedule an initial consultation. With years of experience as a tax lawyer in Sarasota for many clients, Attorney Mary E. King can make sure that your tax issues are resolved in your favor. Fill out our online contact form , or call us at 941-906-7585. Remember, at the Law Office of Mary E. King, we are focused on solving your tax issues for good.
Disclaimer: The information on this website and blog is for general informational purposes only and is not professional advice. We make no guarantees of accuracy or completeness. We disclaim all liability for errors, omissions, or reliance on this content. Always consult a qualified professional for specific guidance.
Attorney and Counselor at Law
The Law Office of Mary King P.L. provides comprehensive solutions for IRS problems ranging from tax debt settlement to devising effective tax strategies for individuals and enterprises.
Attorney Mary King offers tax services to clients located in Florida and across the United States.
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